CamCard Banned: Why It Never Was a ‘ScanBizCards Alternative’

The Ministry of Information & Technology in India has just banned several apps in India including CamCard – Business Card Reader, CamCard Business, CamCard for Salesforce, and CamOCR.

We only want to talk about this news because some of these apps (CamCard – Business Card Reader and CamCard for Salesforce) compete in the same marketplace as ScanBizCards.

For many years, ScanBizcards has retained one of the top spots in the business card scanner category. ScanBizCards has consistently ranked as one of the top 10 productivity apps on Apple iTunes, and has an average of 4.5 rating on Google Play Store.

It has consistently remained the top featured app on Salesforce Appexchange.

Now, if you Google search “scanbizcards alternatives”, CamCard is usually seen in the top results. But now with the app banned in India, what does it mean for users – not just in India but around the world? Is CamCard really the best alternative to ScanBizCards?

Before we talk about security, we want to talk about the user experience itself. Here’s a very recent email we got from a prospect.


So how does ScanBizCards for Salesforce manage its users’ privacy and security?

We are GDPR and CCPA compliant and we ensure users’ data privacy is a top priority. Our users’ data is completely secure when using ScanBizCards.

ScanBizCards uses the Salesforce cloud to store information. Salesforce provides a comprehensive and flexible data security model to secure data at different levels. So, your data is always secure and protected from unauthorized access from outside your company and from inappropriate usage by your users.

The ScanBizCards managed package for enterprise users is strictly compliant with data protection and privacy regulations required in collecting and processing its customers’ data. ScanBizCards lets its enterprise users remain in full control of their data by providing the capability to manage how the data from scanned cards is saved on the ScanBizCards mobile app (read more in detail here).

The choice is simple!

So if you want a secure, robust and user friendly way to maximize lead generation from business cards and email exchanges, you have an easy choice to make!

BONUS: We’re helping the B2B sales and marketing community during the current times. We’re offering 3 months free on our annual license. Get a demo or set up your trial, if you and your team like it, sign up and get 3 months free on your annual subscription.

Get full-featured 14-day free trial, no credit card required: