Calculate your ROI from ScanBizCards
Enterprise in a few quick steps

Our ROI Calculator will instantly show you how much time and money you can save if you processed business cards in Salesforce using a solution.

Business Cards Scanned Per Month

Total Number of Business Cards per Month:{{ totalCards | commas }}

Monthly Processing Time On Scan & Export

Total time each month to enter business cards in Salesforce without a solution:{{ totalTimeNoApp | currency }} Hrs

Total time each month to enter business cards in Salesforce with the ScanBizCards solution:{{ totalTimeWithApp | currency }} Hrs

Monthly Salary Savings

Total Current Monthly Salary Cost to process business cards for all users:${{ totalMonthlyCost | currency }}

Total Monthly Salary cost for all users if you processed cards with a solution:${{ totalMonthlyCostWithSolution | currency }}

Total Monthly Salary Saved:${{ totalMonthlySaved | currency }}

New Monthly Revenue Opportunity From Time Saved

New Monthly revenue opportunity on time saved:${{ newRevenueOpp | currency }}

Your Annual Total ROI
${{ totalAnnualROI | currency }}

Monthly License Cost:${{ monthlyLicenseCost | currency }}

Monthly Salary ROI:${{ monthlySalaryROI | currency }}

Monthly Opportunity ROI:${{ monthlyOppROI | currency }}

Total Monthly ROI:${{ totalMonthlyROI | currency }}